
Current Stacks created in your AWS Account

You should have all these 4 CloudFormation stacks based in the labs, now we will need to delete them: Cleanup

CI/CD Pipeline - CloudFormation

Based in the Lab 4 IaC Pipeline with Security you should have two CloudFormation stacks from this lab:

1º called - ModernizationWorkshop or any other name that you added during the CloudFormation stack creation 2º called - modernization-workshop-cft-example

You will need to delete the modernization-workshop-cft-example stack first. After it will be completed delete the ModernizationWorkshop stack.


You could go to CloudFormation console and delete those stacks through the console or using the AWS cli.

Cloud One - Conformity - CloudFormation

Based in the Lab 5 Integrating AWS with Conformity you should have a CloudFormation stack called CloudConformity

You could go to CloudFormation console and delete those stacks through the console or using the AWS cli.

If you keep this CloudFormation stack integrated with your account it will keep the integration with Cloud One - Conformity for you to check additional details about your environment and for you to generated additional compliance reports. The Conformity bots will be running every hour by default.

Exercise labs - CloudFormation

Based in the Lab 7 Finding and Remediating Misconfigurations you should have a CloudFormation stack called AWS-Modernization-Workshop-labs

You could go to CloudFormation console and delete those stacks through the console or using the AWS cli.

Now that you deleted all the CloudFormation stacks from the labs you can test the others Cloud One sercurity services.

Unsubscribe Cloud One subscription in your AWS Account

1. Go to AWS account and search for AWS Marketplace Subscription. Cleanup

2. Find the Trend Micro Cloud One subscription and click on Manage. Cleanup

3. Then click Action, Cancel subscription Cleanup

4. You will need to check the box and click on “Yes, cancel subscription” Cleanup

5. You will see a confirmation message like this one, below: Cleanup

You will see the update in the Cloud One console in around 1 to 2 hours.